Life is just value confirmation.
It’s you confirming the things you believe over and over again through your thoughts, words and actions.
I Am Love, I Am Passion I Am Playful I Am A WARRIORRRR!!
I am the world champion and I will be the world champion again this year.
That’s who I am, they are my values and that’s what I’m going to do.
There its an awesome book called “Influence” by Robert Chaldini that talks about how to get people to do things.
One of the best ways is to get a person to say something publicly. A public declaration makes a person much more likely to do something.
The more public the more powerful the effect.
It’s why politicians have a really hard time backing down after they have promised something publicly
and it’s why we hate them when they do
If we say something we feel compelled to do it.
It was built in by evolution so that we could survive in small intimate groups out in the wild.
We had to know that our tribe would do what they said they would because if they didn’t we died. So the people who developed consistency bias thrived and were our ancestors.
One of the worst things to be called is a liar
or wishy washy
or deceptive
or a backflipper
or somebody who doesn’t keep her word.
Consistency bias is built into the way our brains work and we can use it to our advantage.
Tell the world who you are, scream it out for them to hear.
Scream to the world what you are going to do and constancy bias will compel you to do it.
Jump on social media and tell the world what you are going to do instead of posting pictures of puppies and memes about Kim Kardashian.
Oh, did that last sentence sting a little bit?
Have you been hiding your light
staying in your comfort zone?
Shrinking from your greatness?
Don’t be a hard rock
when you really are a gem
click this link and you can jump the queue into my team.
Love and Light and awesomeness
Hattie xoxoxoxo
I Am Love, I Am Passion I Am Playfull I Am A WARRIORRRR!!
I am the world champion and I will be the world champion again this year.
(see what I did there?)
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