Isn’t it maddening?
What is happening?
This doesn’t make sense.
Funny enough I’ve been there too.
Training super hard the wrong way
and not getting what I wanted.
Once I figured it out?
I became a world champion.
So here’s the thing
For those who have a training age of zero?
All they need to do is start training
eat right and then their body changes.
What about for someone like you
Who has a training age of 2+ years?
The rules are now different.
Training isn’t where your body changes In fact, overfocusing on training
is the reason you’re stuck.
The variable that determines
how, when, and how much
your physique changes?
In between your sets, sessions & programs
Your sleep.
So how much sleep do you need?
When you’re training hard?8-10 hours
The movement patterns
that you were practising during your training
are stored in your brain as you sleep the inflammation you create as you train is repaired in sleep.
Your brain at this time reconsolidates everything
that it learned during the day and builds you a new body.
What happens if you don’t sleep
8-10 hours?
Memories aren’t reconsolidated, your movement patterns don’t improve.
Strength improves slowly or plateaus.
You don’t see you physique change because it doesn’t get a chance to rebuild at night.
You also need to recover between your
weekly, monthly,
& quarterly training week cycles.
Organising when to train and how to rest is a science.
Would you like some help with that?
In SMP you will learn:
And a tonne more.
To start:
Click the link now and you’ll be speaking to one of our team.
Love and light,
The SMP Coaching Team