Before we talk about the nutrition part.
Let’s first have a look at how training changes your body.
So first thing that happens:
You do the weights.
Which creates stress on the muscle
(aka mechanical tension).
Then mechanical tension breaks the muscle fibres down.
Next, an inflammation signal is sensed by your metabolism.
Metabolism sends resources to that area to repair it.
And when the mechanical tension was great enough?
Your metabolism perceives that
- it must make that area stronger
- and maybe even change
the size of those muscle fibres.
So this is important for you to note:
Your body doesn’t actually care about the exercises you do.
All it perceives is
- the mechanical tension
on the muscle, and then
- information response needs
to send resources to that area
How does your body decide to send how many resources?
This is where nutrition comes in.
Your gut is constantly talking to your body.
And it’s like:
Oh, we’ve got this amount of resources.
We’ve got this amount of amino acids, protein, carbs, fat, etc.
that we can spare for this job.
So if you’re not eating enough?
There’s no resources.
Nothing happens with your squats because your body goes:
Hey, we're not gonna grow anything down on that booty.
We need those resources for the brain and to run this system.
So what makes the difference?
It’s not the exercise, nor the type of food you eat
It’s about
- The level of mechanical stress your muscle receives
- The level of resources your metabolism can send to the stressed area to change it
How do you know if it’s the right level?
This is exactly where SMP comes in.
We have specific programming and coaching in high-performance skills and habits you are missing right now.
You will be guided by our team of elite coaches.
And learn all the foundations and tools you need to achieve elite body composition and maintain it for the rest of your life.
To get access to all of that:
Someone from our specialist team will reach out.
SMP Coaching Team