This is why resting feels like the wrong thing to do.
A lot of people think the key to achieving elite body composition is to just work harder.
Train more, do more cardio, do more steps.
But here’s a secret that all of the girls in my program know:
I won't ask you to focus 100% of your energy into working out.
Not even 80%. Not even close…
When you join the Sports Model Project,
perhaps the biggest surprise of all
will be when I ask you to take a step back with your training.
Yes... you read that right.
If this doesn't sound to you like a coach whose only focus is to get you into the best physical shape of your life -
You're right.
I'm not a coach whose sole purpose is to get you as shredded as possible no matter the cost.
Nor are the world-class experts on my coaching team.
Do you know what our goal is?
It's the same as yours... you just might not realise it yet.
Our goal is to get you in peak condition...
in your body, mind and spirit.
Because you can't have one without the others.
I’m gonna ask you to take rest days.
I’ll ask you to rest, even as you’re charging forward.
I’ll ask that you incorporate stillness into your every day.
For the hardest worker in the room.
This is a very difficult concept to grasp.
But there comes a point in everyone’s journey where you realise that throwing everything including the kitchen sink
at the wall isn't getting you where you want to be?
Your body needs time to rest,
just as your mind needs time to reset.
Your body needs time to heal,
just as your mind needs time to let go.
That's why the Sports Model Project process is a combination of
training, nutrition and mindset.
There’s a reason we focus on all those elements.
Because it’s critical to your success over the long term.
Because for the hardest worker in the room,
the hardest work is knowing when to rest or be playful.
Is it your time?
Are you ready to level up in your mind, body and spirit?
Hit the link in my bio to book a call with my team this week.
If you're successful, we'll be talking next week.
Love & light,
Hattie xo