Often it’s confusing to know what that one thing is
and we get lost worrying about other things which are irrelevant.
In fact, whenever we go through our process with a new client
we see that they have put virtually no emphasis on getting this one thing right
but they are stressed out about which exercises to do
and doing cardio and if they should "lift heavy" or not.
It will help you burn energy but this won’t get you the result you want
without looking washed out and exhausted. Just exercising will not help you achieve that, you need to be training.
When you exercise you are performing an activity in an essentially random way. Bootcamps, most circuits like F45 and Crossfit and the way you are doing weights right now fall into this category. The amount of reps and sets and the weights you use varies each session and depends on how motivated you are at the time.
Training is a systematic effort to improve in each session and to increase your output. It’s the only way to guarantee that you will get better. The mindset of training is completely different to exercising. The science is different too.
By training we are applying progressive overload to the body which forces it change. You must do more reps or sets or use a heavier weight or have more time under tension or density in your training program.
This is the case whether you are "lifting heavy" or using lighter weights it's even the case if you are doing interval training or cardio. If you are not training and using progressive overload you are just exercising.
Now for 90% of people exercising is a good option because it beats the hell out of doing nothing which is where they are stuck. Exercising is great for good health and for staying fit.
But you want more than that.
We are talking because you want to be the best version of yourself, you want elite body composition and there is only one way to achieve it and you can’t just guess…
If you aren’t using a program that you stick to or
If you aren’t recording your training sessions or you just “go off how you feel”
you aren’t using progressive overload and I guarantee that you aren’t getting better.
Once you apply this principle for 3-6 months you will no longer be saying
“I think something is happening”
You will just hear people saying to you
“What have you been doing?”
That’s why the girls in The Sports Model Project get results
The Sports Model Project is only for women who have been doing weights, hard for two year. Sorry, Yoga F45 or bootcamp doesn’t cut it.
The Sports Model Project is for women who are ready to push themselves each and every day and go to the next level.
Click the banner below to apply
Love and Light
Hattie xoxo